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Benefits of Visiting a Chiropractor for TMJ and Jaw Pain

Written By Fair Oaks Chiropractic on January 30, 2024

a guy with jaw pain

Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder is a painful inflammation of the jaw joint and surrounding muscles and ligaments. The symptoms of TMJ include jaw pain and jaw discomfort, stiffness, difficulty opening the mouth, pain when chewing or moving the jaw, and trouble sleeping. TMJ can be caused by a jaw injury, arthritis, teeth grinding, and age-related wear and tear of the jaw joint. At Fair Oaks Chiropractic, our chiropractor Dr. Andrew Welsch can evaluate the extent of your TMJ symptoms and help you find relief from jaw pain and jaw discomfort through chiropractic care, therapeutic exercises, and massage therapy in Boerne, TX.

Find the Root Cause of Jaw Pain and Jaw Discomfort

Dr. Welsch will begin by finding the root cause of your jaw pain and discomfort. TMJ is just one of the disorders that can cause jaw pain. He will do a physical examination and discuss your symptoms, health history, and lifestyle. He may take an x-ray, MRI, or CT scan to confirm his diagnosis or rule out other causes of jaw pain. This also allows him to evaluate the extent of inflammation and joint damage. 

Drug-Free Jaw Pain Relief

Dr. Welsch focuses on finding drug-free options for pain relief and pain management. Our chiropractic therapies can relieve jaw pain and tension through therapeutic exercises, electrical stimulation, chiropractic adjustments, and massage therapy. These treatments can promote healing of injured muscles and tissues and relieve pain without the use of drugs.

Improved Function and Range of Motion

Through massage therapy and therapeutic exercises, Dr. Welsch can improve the function and range of motion of your jaw so that it is easier to eat, speak, and open your mouth. He can also use chiropractic adjustments to improve spinal alignment and reduce pain, stiffness, inflammation, and other TMJ symptoms.

Non-Invasive, Whole-Body Approach to TMJ Treatment

Chiropractic care is non-invasive and nonsurgical. Chiropractic therapies stimulate the body’s natural ability to heal itself without relying on prescription drugs or dangerous procedures. Dr. Welsch takes a whole-body approach to TMJ treatment. This means that rather than masking your symptoms with prescription drugs, he addresses the root cause of your symptoms and designs a treatment plan that improves your overall health and wellness in addition to relieving pain and discomfort.

Find Relief From TMJ and Jaw Pain in Boerne, TX

Don’t let TMJ symptoms like jaw pain and jaw discomfort prevent you from living a happy, healthy life. At Fair Oaks Chiropractic, Dr. Welsch and his team can design a personalized TMJ treatment plan in Boerne, TX, that will help you get back to your regular routine, pain-free. Reach out today to schedule an appointment.

Posted In: Jaw Pain