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Chiropractic for Cervicogenic Headaches & Migraines

Written By Fair Oaks Chiropractic on July 16, 2023


Cervicogenic headaches and migraines can affect every aspect of your daily life. But they don’t have to gain complete control over your life. Our chiropractor can evaluate your symptoms and lifestyle, try to find the root cause of your headaches, and design a treatment plan that reduces their frequency and addresses your symptoms to provide effective headache treatment in Boerne, TX

What Causes Cervicogenic Headaches & Migraines? 

Cervicogenic headaches can be caused by a malformation of the cervical vertebrae, neck injury, inflammation, autoimmune disease, and other medical conditions. Without treatment, cervicogenic headaches will become much worse, and even debilitating. The exact cause of migraine headaches is unknown. Migraines can be triggered by stress, lack of sleep, dehydration, alcohol or drugs, bright lights, loud noises, hormonal changes, diet, smoking, the weather, or other environmental factors. 

Spinal Manipulation for Headache Treatment

Chiropractic adjustments, or spinal manipulation, have proven to be an effective treatment for migraines and cervicogenic headaches. Our chiropractor can address foundational neck issues that are causing muscle tension, inflammation, stiffness, circulation problems, and pain. He will use his hands or a small instrument to gently shift your cervical spine back into alignment and restore circulation and range of motion to your neck. 

Massage Therapy for Pain Relief 

Chiropractic massage therapy is also an incredibly effective method of pain relief. Massage therapy involves kneading, pushing, rubbing, flexing, and stimulating the tissues, muscles, ligaments, and tendons to ease tension. Therapeutic massage also increases blood flow, stimulates the body’s natural healing processes, relieves stiffness, restores range of motion, and releases natural painkiller hormones. The positive effects of massage therapy can last for days after each session. Massage therapy also promotes relaxation, which can lessen the effect of some migraine triggers. 

Electrical Stimulation

Electrical stimulation (e-stim) uses small electrodes placed on targeted treatment areas on the body. These electrodes deliver safe, pain-free electrical impulses to the muscles, telling them to contract. Pulses delivered to the nervous system block the transmission of pain signals to the spinal cord and brain. They also trigger the body to release natural painkilling hormones called endorphins. 

Schedule a Consultation for Headache Treatment in Boerne, TX

If your cervicogenic headaches or migraines are keeping you from working, sleeping, exercising, or taking part in hobbies you enjoy, come see us at Fair Oaks Chiropractic for headache treatment in Boerne, TX. Our chiropractor, Dr. Andrew Welsch, D.C., has been practicing holistic healthcare and alternative medicine since 1987. He can find a headache treatment that eases your pain, relieves other symptoms, and helps you get back to living a life you enjoy. Call us today at (830) 755-4661 to schedule an appointment.


Posted In: Headaches